Welcome to Verse of Love, a small fanlisting collective owned by one certain Ren. There used to be much more content here, but due to a long hiatus and a series of unfortunate events, I had lost or closed a bunch of fanlistings.
But what on earth is a fanlisting, anyway? Well, to me, it’s a way to express my adoration to certain subjects, combined with practising webdesign and the joy of procrastination. But in reality, a fanlisting is just a website that simply lists fans of a certain subject. All the fanlistings listed in this site have been approved by either TheFanlistings or TAFL.
Please use the links above to navigate around the site! Clicking on the title ‘Verse of Love’ on the header will bring you back to this page. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay. Don’t forget to visit my affiliates when you leave. ;)